Thursday, March 15, 2012

Themed Blog & Shop Hop - GREEN or "G"

WELCOME to the
"Themed Blog & Shop Hop" 
for March 2012! 
I'm so glad that you stopped by!

For those of you who are not familiar with "Hops" (a.k.a. Linky party) - a Blog Hop &/or Shop Hop is an event where viewers/followers can upload links onto my blog......Links to their items in their Etsy shops or links to their Blogs.  And then we can "hop" from blog to blog or shop to shop.

The theme this month is: GREEN OR "G" 
My favorite color is green and my favorite letter is "G" (as if you couldn't tell - "God's Growing Garden" is my blog, "Gourdonville" is my Etsy shop and when you pronounce my name you are saying the letter "G":
"An-G" (Angie). 

So, that means if you have an item in your shop that is green in color (or primarily green) - then please share it with us. 
If you have an item that is "green" or environmentally friendly, then you can share that with us also. 
Or any item or blog post that starts with the letter "G" - for example - maybe you work with Gourds
-or paint pictures of Canadian Geese
- or maybe you wrote a blog post about God's Grace get the picture

Although I would love it if everyone joined my blog or became followers of my blog - that is not a requirement to participate in this "Hop".  All I ask is that you keep your submissions decent - no offensive content please.

Well, actually there is a second rule:
only 2 submissions per person please.

If you do not have a blog or a shop then please still stop by and take a digital walk through our virtual mall.

I will be having a "Themed Blog & Shop Hop" once a month - the middle of each month.  Next month's hop will be on: April 16th, 2012


To Etsy shop owners - please only upload links directly to the items that you would like to share with us - not a link to your entire shop - Thanks.

To Blog writers - you may submit any post that fits into the theme - it can be an old post from many months ago (it does Not have to be a recent post).  Also, please submit the link directly to the post and Not a link to your homepage - Thank you!
I will be "tweeting" about the submissions throughout the week to come.

*Likes: (2)*
*Likes: (2)*


  1. I switched all my stuff from an Etsy shop to my new website - can I link up something from my site?

    I wasn't sure if I had anything green, but I looked and I do.

    1. Absolutely - anything green or starting with "G" from your website!

  2. Thanks, Angie! I posted one green shop item and one G blog post. I'll come back later to check out other people's links!

    1. Great! - Thanks so much for joining us - this is so much fun!

    2. Thanks for this link! I posted one of my newest KIndle Touch covers. Will be following you and checking out the other links!

  3. Dear Angie, I love your idea, and thanks for letting me taking part in it. I'm dealing with recycling in my Mosaic work, and green is a great symbol, as well as a beautiful color (i've got green eyes...) Thanks again - enjoy ♥

    1. Thank you for participating! - I have green eyes also!

  4. What an awesome idea!! This is my first time here.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad that you stopped by - visit again sometime if you get a chance.

  5. Sorry I was so late, I am sick but when I saw it was a green theme, I knew I had to take the time to enter my grass green baby blanket.

    Great Hop Angie

    1. I hope you feel better soon! Drink lots (sorry - I hate it when people tell me what to do when I'm sick). Thanks for including your green baby blanket - it is lovely!


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.

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